19 Mar 2024

EXPO 2027 Already Sparks Interest Around the Globe

In June 2023, the Serbian bid to organize EXPO 2027 prevailed over the United States, Thailand, Spain and Argentina.  Belgrade has embraced the concept of “Play for Humanity – Sport and Music for All” for its international exhibition.  To realize this vision, Belgrade is committed to constructing a state-of-the-art exhibition center, necessitating substantial investment.

What is the EXPO and Why Does it Matter?

The Universal Exhibition, commonly known as “EXPO,” is a prestigious global event enabling participating nations to showcase themselves to the world.  It also serves as a platform to exhibit cutting-edge technological and scientific advancements, cultural milestones, and innovative architectural feats.  Among its objectives, EXPO highlights a country’s potential for foreign direct investment and its strides in technology.  Governed by the Bureau International des Expositions, an intergovernmental organization founded in 1928 and operational since 1931, each event embodies a testament to international cooperation and progress.

Just last month Serbia submitted the Recognition File for EXPO 2027 Belgrade to the Bureau International des Expositions, and has already commenced preparations for the organization of the three-month-long event which will last from May 15, 2027, to August 15, 2027.

The buzz around the event already started echoing around the globe, as the U.S. International Trade Administration has recently advised American companies to take part in the exhibition. As digital technologies, infrastructure, construction, transportation, and energy are at the heart of the EXPO 2027 vision, the U.S. International Administration perceives the event as a “major opportunity” for American companies to be widely recognized for their innovation.

How is Serbia Preparing?

Serbia has undertaken major steps towards the realization of the exhibition which it has declared a project of national significance.  The Serbian parliament adopted the Special Procedures for the Realization of the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO BELGRADE 2027 Act, which will facilitate contractual procedures and speed up public procurement.  Moreover, in January, the President of the Republic of Serbia announced that the country will invest EUR 17.8 billion to support EXPO 2027. With more than three years ahead of the exhibition, Serbia has taken the organization of its first EXPO with utter dedication and hopes to attract the attention of investors from every corner of the world.

Serbia’s foreign investment plan aims to attract and facilitate foreign direct investment into key sectors of its economy. Through strategic initiatives, such as tax incentives, streamlined regulations, and investment promotion campaigns, Serbia endeavors to create a favorable business environment for international investors. Additionally, the country seeks to leverage its geographic location and skilled workforce to appeal to multinational corporations seeking expansion opportunities. Infrastructure development projects, including the construction of industrial zones and transportation networks, further bolster Serbia’s attractiveness as an investment destination.

For further details visit our Investment Hub.

Other news about EXPO in Belgrade:

EXPO 2027 / Messaggio del Presidente Patrizio Dei Tos

Belgrado si prepara a ospitare l`Expo 2027: il piano di sviluppo sfiora i 18 miliardi 

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Expo 2027, la Serbia si aggiudica l`organizzazaione dell`evento

Serbia is the host of EXPO 2027 Belgrade

Serbia: Belgrado ospiterà Expo 2027