Social Media

22 Mar 2024

AI Shaping the Public Opinion in News Media – What the Public Wants to Hear vs What the Public Needs to Hear

A lot has been said about artificial intelligence (AI).  It is reshaping global business and everyday life worldwide and by no means, it is a new industrial revolution. Mankind’s striving for an easier life has led to the creation of a fast-learning, self-aware creature.  It shall irreversibly become an unexpected (or perhaps unwanted) member of society.  We have witnessed the universality of AI’s application.  Here, we are focusing on the use of AI in news media and its potential to shape public opinion. How do Media Use AI? Media widely employ AI to gather news information.  It may also filter […]

30 Aug 2021

Instagram Reels vs TikTok – an IP perspective

The struggle for existing and new users between companies that develop applications is relentless as our lives have been practically moved to the Internet over the years.  It seems that the opposing sides do not choose the means anymore, so this is an IP perspective on Instagram Reels vs TikTok. Back in 2010, when Instagram was launched, social media (“SM”) networks were used to post personal content and maintain contacts, and Instagram focused on creating a photo-sharing platform.  As the popularity of SM networks increased, sales came into focus and advertising content became a widespread feature.  An SM network collects […]

10 Jun 2021

The Status of Influencers in North Macedonia

The imaginary familiarity with a famous person through platforms such as Instagram is more common when the other party is a so-called influencer – a person that enjoys appreciation of a large number of users due to their reputation.  The imaginary closeness is, on the other hand, a very powerful tool in hands of influencers as users often aspire to emulate their lifestyle.  However, the lifestyle the influencer presents is not always genuine as the content presented often includes (some form of) promotion.  When an influencer shows on their profile that they use a certain product, there is a great […]

31 May 2021

The status of influencers in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Legal Framework for the so-called influencing  To say that there is no special advertising act in Bosnia and Herzegovina (“BiH”) is not completely true.  Namely, certain forms of (illegal) advertising are regulated by the Prohibited Advertising Act.  This Act regulates the protection of merchants from illicit advertising, the protection of procedures and determines forms of illicit advertising.  On the other hand, advertising as such is regulated indirectly at the level of the Federation. In this regard, the Consumer Protection Act is applicable, considering that BiH is one of few European countries that has neither a media act nor an electronic […]

24 May 2021

Influencers in the Western Balkans – Croatia

Influencer marketing is a fast-growing discipline, and the number of influencers is growing every day in our region.  Like Serbia, Croatia is also “fertile ground” for influencer marketing and numerous extremely “influential influencers”.  Testimonies of many, both “micro” and “macro” influencers from Croatia, demonstrate that this indeed amounts to a full-time job. So, how does one hire an influencer?  In a nutshell, after “becoming famous”, influencers receive offers to promote various products and services on a daily basis, but how is this activity legally regulated in Croatia? Stay tuned, as we discuss below in greater detail the legal position of […]

13 May 2021

TikTok May Have Gone Too Far in Child Data Collection

What do Facebook, WhatsApp and TikTok have in common?  Well, they are social media giants, with billions of users all around the world.  But there is something else that these platforms have in common that is worthy of attention.  Lately, they have all been “hunted down” by regulators over their data policies.  So, we wanted to take the time to say a few words on the TikTok case. What makes the TikTok case special?  As most of you already know, TikTok is a social media platform used to make short-form videos that last between 15 and 60 seconds.  The videos […]

10 May 2021

Many have asked us … what is the status of influencers in the Western Balkans?

Who are “influencers”? Developments in technology and the significant influence of social networks on modern life, have resulted in the development of a completely new breed of digital marketers – influencers[1].  Increasingly, successful brands now recognize influencer marketing as an extremely effective way to advertise their business which in turn expands their reach and increasing the sales of products and services. The term influencers originated in the English language, and many other languages, including Serbian, use anglicisms to refer to influencers to denote influential people within a certain group of people.  We are familiar with their work today on various […]

14 Nov 2018

Gecić Law at the Law Firm Marketing Summit 2018 in London!

Bogdan Gecić, managing partner at Gecić Law, a top tier law firm from Belgrade, gave a lecture on the importance of social media and communication at the Law Firm Marketing Summit held in London. “Social media are an important tool to cement presence on the Internet and share the values of your firms with the public”, said Mr. Gecić. “We do not only embrace social media as a medium of promotion of our firm and corporate life within the office, but we also share the successes of our partners and clients because we believe in the idea, as we dubbed […]
