Gecic Law Office Serbia

16 Sep 2021

EU announces Global Gateway ahead of VDL’s Western Balkans trip

The European Union (“EU”) will launch a project called Global Gateway, European Commission (“EC”) President Ursula von der Leyen said during her latest State of the Union address.  The project will aim to bring the EU closer to its partners worldwide.  Besides revealing plans for the Global Gateway, the commissioner also announced her Western Balkans trip. The fact that the two topics were brought to light in the annual EU policy speech may mean that the Global Gateway could bring more investments from the EU to the region.  Commenting on the project, Von der Leyen added that the bloc wants […]

28 May 2020

The Micula saga – what were the lessons learned?

One learns early on – if you want to sit at the cool kids’ table, you must do the work and engage in tedious diplomatic battles and quid pro quo bargains. Yet, does the accession to the EU automatically erase ghosts of times past? If one looks at the love-hate triangle between the EU, Romania and the Micula brothers, the answer is not necessarily positive. The Micula phenomenon No international lawyer is likely to ever ask: “Micula – who?” On the contrary, the Micula case(s) have by now generated such notoriety that they represent household terms in law offices around […]
